Your Urgent Respond Needed

A very generous Dr. Aburi Mark offers to scam you for $5.5 million US dollars. He even leaves a phone number to make it more believable.

From: Dr. Aburi Mark
Subject: Your Urgent Respond Needed

Dear Friend,

Good Day Please Read,

I am (Dr.Aburi Mark) The Director incharge of Auditing section of Africa Development Bank (ADB)in Ouagadougou,Burkina Faso.I know that this message will come as a surprise to you, since we don’t know each other, but pay attention and understand my reason of contacting you through this via email.

I need your urgent assistance in transferring an abandoned sum of ($5.5 Million)dollars left by a deceased customer of my bank immediately to your account. we shall share in ratio of 40% for you and 60% for me.Finally, should you be interested to operate this project with me,reply urgently and i will give you the full details for us to move forward and The secret is bound between me and you.

Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated and also Your Full Name And Phone Number is needed for Easy communication. +226-740 33 615.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Aburi Mark

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